Monday, April 19, 2010

Blomquist Backyard - San Jose, CA

Sunday was a day of yard work for all of us.

I/Dad got the lawns mowed and edged, and did a little weeding too.

Melissa worked in the backyard weeding, pulling out massive roots of unwanted bushes, and making thing look very nice.

Logan even helped a little, but has to watch lifting things for awhile after his apendix surgery. By the way, he's doing pretty well. As of this Monday he hasn't asked for any pain medicine.

Me Dad still am fighting this lung/cough thing, and am taking a pretty powerful antibiotic. I'm to see the doc on Friday for a recheck.

Mom/Linda spent the day washing/cleaning all different things. She took down blinds and drapes and cleaned them, and washed some bedding.

Even little Lavender helped Mommy in the yard.

Lavender is fighting virus/cold thing too.


Our Spring like temps went South or somewhere, as today/Monday is very windy and the temp is barely in the 60's. We've got a rain coming tonight, and into Tuesday with a chance of thundershowers. Looks like unseasonable cool and semi-wet weather throughout the week until the weekend. This plays havoc with Ben's work.

Also these windy Aprils sure raise havoc with the sinuses too.
